martes, 11 de junio de 2013


Everything began when human discovered the way to make their life easier, when brilliant inventors brought to life important inventions such as the telephone made by Alexander Graham Bell and many others.
Technology advances started growing, evolving and at the same time started being much  more important to humans life, since then, have  helped in many fields such as medicine, science , education, of course this has been beneficial to human race. 
Years ago something happened technology made a boom!! How? People started overusing it and as well as it beneficial nowadays it is causing damages in our life. Albert Einstein said ones “I fear the day when technology exceeds our humanity will only have a generation of idiots” and that is just what’s going to happen.
Family and school are the most affected environments by this technology boom and I have called people whose involved in this “technology zombies” , if you want to prove this just check around you and answer this simple question how many people don’t answer when you talk to them, because they are busy using a computer, a mobile phone, playing videogames or any other technology device?

Technology in the family
Every day,  children in the world interact less and less with their families and spend more and more time in their rooms watching TV, connected to the internet and playing computer games. Many children today seem to be experiencing now big isolation of family life, everything thanks to the advancement of technology. Parents and teens also walk in the "Boom" of the technology, and there are many households where parents and children are practically glued to a computer surfing the Internet, whether for work activities or just how addictive it can reach be the Internet, with the whole universe of information handled.

New technologies: computers, internet and video games have replaced the family unit, so that everyone does what he wants, when he wants, even if it means doing it alone.
Therefore, we take the family, as the first place of socialization and learning of a child and offer a very simple video, that might sound funny, showing us how it has "gotten" the technology in our homes, and how they keep us in solitary confinement with our loved ones, even when next to them. It’s true that technology is helpful too but the recent increase of technology use is getting out of our hands

Technology in Education
The rapid and constant pace of change in technology is creating opportunities and challenges for schools. The opportunities include greater access to rich, multimedia content, the increasing use of online course taking to offer classes, the widespread availability of mobile computing devices that can access to the Internet, the expanding role of social networking tools for learning and professional development, and the growing interest in the power of digital games for more personalized learning.
At the same time, the pace of change creates significant challenges for schools. To begin with: schools are forever playing technological catch up as digital innovations emerge that require upgrading schools technological infrastructure and building new professional development programs. Some schools have been adapt at keeping up with those changes, while many others are falling far behind, creating a digital divide based largely on the quality of educational technology, rather than just simple access to the Internet.
The rapid evolution of educational technologies also makes it increasingly challenging to determine what works best. Also children at school read and think less because they use the internet to look for any information they need.
Now that the problem is shown the ideas for solutions are the following:
·         Parents should be more outstanding of their kids and know how much do they use technology, what do they use it for and what kind of information they watch.
·         Parents should set a time in their schedules to spend time with their kids to fortify the family ties
·         At school teachers should point out the students to use diverse resources and not only the internet.

And finally for the society in general we finish with a popular saying: as with everything with no excess and don’t become a “techonology zombie”

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